Thursday, August 7, 2014

Water Sample: Testing for Bacteria

Water test- Lake Anza, Berkeley, California

Testing for bacteria: As a potential fresh water source, we found a local lake with many swimmers. We suspected this source would likely contain bacteria due to the water being fairly stagnant and high amount of human interaction.

Water test kit
Process: Using the WaterSafe test kit shown above, we were able to test for the bacteria. Bacterial growth is determined by changing of color from purple to yellow.

1) Added a small sample of lake water into a test tube that was filled with powdery substance that turned purple.
2) Waited 48 hours.
3) Resulting tube changed to yellow, indicating positive for bacteria.

Next steps: To decontaminate the water, we will proceed to do a UV pasteurization procedure and then retest the sample for bacterial growth. Stay tuned for continuation of the water test!

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